"The same God who takes a caterpillar and changes it into a butterfly, transforms sinners into saints."

Thank you for visiting our website!
Here you will find information concerning our church and its ministries. We hope you find your time spent here a blessing. Our church is a warm and loving church, and we want you to feel comfortable and at liberty to call on us for anything you need.
Feel free to browse through the various areas of our website and learn about our fellowship.
If you are considering a new place of worship or a relocation to our area, we would love to have you be our guest.
When you visit our church, you will find:
- A caring congregation that will gladly welcome you
- Preaching/teaching that is centered on the Word of God
- Ministries to meet the spiritual needs of every age

Check our Media page to watch the latest sermons or to catch up on ones that you've missed!
View the different categories for additional resources.
Bible Study
Choir Performances
Youth Group Messages
Listen to our Newest Sermon
