Sermons >

Build a Bear Churches Won't Change The World

Delivered By
Pastor David L. Hicks
Delivered On
February 4, 2018 at 11:00 AM

“Build a Bear”   Churches   Won’t Change the World                                                         

  DLHicks 2-4-18

“Build a Bear” Christianity equals Self-Directed Spirituality created by one’s own design.    Jesus did not die to create an institution, organization or a “Build a Bear” department store.   Christianity created in your own image will not work.

Psm 127:1   “Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain who build it.”

THE WORD “CHURCH”  (GREEK – EKKLESIA) used in the Bible to indicate those who have been “Called Out”.

OUT OF WHAT:    Identification with conformity and devotion to the ways and purposes of the world.

CALLED INTO WHAT:    Called into a community of people. Blessed by the grace of God through Jesus Christ.  Devoted to the ways and purposes of the Master.                                  George Barna and David Barton says:

The recovery of American Society will depend less upon the improvement of the churches and more upon the commitment of individual followers of Christ, to being the Church.

The Kingdom of God is better off with a hundred sold-out followers of Christ than a hundred million fair-weather fans.  Sold-out followers are what Christ needed in His time on earth to change the world.

In our “New America” where so many believe in so many unspiritual things, the Church has little or no voice in our culture today.

One Church advertised:  “Come to our Church. When you leave you won’t even believe you’ve been to Church.”

The Church Ekklesia, is the body of Christ, the habitation of God through the Spirit, with divine appointments for the fulfillment of Her “Great Commision”.

To be an agency of God to evangelize the World.  Mat 28:19-20        To be a Corporate Body in which man may worship God. I Cor 12:13                       To be a Channel of God’s Purpose to “Build a Body of Saints being perfected in the image of His Son.”  (notice: God is building His Church through the N.T. Gifts)    Eph 4:11-16    I Cor 12:2814:12

Research shows tens of millions of Americans are seeking a clear, compelling sense of purpose in life, Christians and Non-Christians.             You never will become the ultimate human being that you and I were meant to be until we give God full control of our lives.                                The Holy Grail of transformation is discipleship, allowing God to have His way with us, in us and through us.


In Closing:    Religious activity apart from Fellowship with God is  . . .

Ritual without the manifest presence of God.    In Jeremiah’s day, the people became so comfortable and satisfied with their “Build a Bear” religion of their own design, they didn’t even notice the absence of God’s Presence.

A “Build a Bear” experience with your grandchildren is a good thing.  But when it comes to the Church, Let Go and Let God build His Church and His People in the image of His Son.

Revive Us . . .     Psm 85:6

Restore Us . .     Psm 80:7

Let Your Spirit be poured out upon us . . .    Isa 32:15